Aspire to climb as high as you can dream


For a School boy...

For a School boy, to dream a dream that doesn't mean financial gain or long term happiness seems almost insane. Teachers, parents would laugh in the face of him, and try and steer him down a path that he will never fully understand. School students seem to be going the way of every other student before them, down a path where the parent, teachers or even fear of failing will take them. Jessica Watson was one of the very few that break out of the protective shells that are created for teenagers, her determination saw her traverse the worlds oceans at age 16 she widened my already searching eyes. Can it be done? Can it be done again? The magic of exploration has seemed to pass us by again and again, but as we speak, two valiant men Justin Jones and James Castrission are in a race to, walk to the south pole and back unsupported the race against the Norwegian is tough, they are 22 days into their trek, already there are holes in their sleeping mattresses and are 24 hours behind the leader, at this point in time those three men are further away from civilization than anybody else in the world...

So for me to plan a paddling expedition aged 17 and still in his HSC studies must seem almost crazy,   I need me to plan this I need drive and I need to be surrounded by people who support this idea, at the moment everyone I know is treating me like a delinquent and a fool, and I haven't even started to explain this to my parents, and don't get me started on my teachers... I just need the support

I will keep you informed on my idea's and support I am gaining
Joss Guyer

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